School & university nutritional plan with FoodNAI System
Provide all your healthy menu information to students and parents with the best Nutritional Platform easily.
Questions? Talk to our sales experts.*
School & University Website:
Get your students delighted with your healthy menu Website.
Show all your breakfast, lunch, snacks menu and much more.
This friendly platform will allow you to upload, change, edit recipe and much more according to the menu you are going to provide.
Styled & Friendly
Nutritional App Development
Be smart and trendy with the best design and display. Show all the menu you serve on each day like breakfast, lunch, snacks or anything you need on mobile app.
Get your students nutritional value of food directly at their mobile.
Nicely Done
How will this FoodNAI platform work?
Add recipe
The school or university will add recipe from panel and it will redirect to website and mobile app with nutritional informtation.
Manage Recipe
Manage all the recipe added to Dashboard. All the data save on server and you won’t lose anything.
Display on website & App
According to your students meal specifications, they will find all nutritional and allergen information about recipe on your website and mobile app. Perhaps the students will choose the food they want.
Food information Website and Apps Development
Don’t lose any customer , get your Website,Apps for iOS &
Android ready to provide the accurate information and healthy
experience on device using all the technology we have.
Creative Website and Native Apps
Your students will get all menu information every time you added menu in app and website; this way, they will feel relaxed knowing the what food they are eating at the time of choosing the food.